Aggression is a significant concern in many households, often rooted in communication breakdowns between dogs and their owners. When dogs are unsure about expectations or how to respond to situations, they may resort to instinctual behaviors such as resource guarding, object obsession, protectiveness, and possessiveness, potentially leading to safety issues. It’s crucial to acknowledge that any dog with a history of aggression or biting incidents should never be off leash in public settings. The safety of others must always take precedence, and owners must always maintain positive control over their dogs. Rehabilitation efforts should never lead to complacency, as dogs are living beings capable of independent thought. Owners must actively manage their dogs and manipulate their environment to set them up for success, ensuring a safe and harmonious relationship with the community. E-collar included in each package (400.00MSRP value).
Designed for dogs with severe reactivity, aggression, resource guarding and other aggressive behaviors. During their stay we will work on their aggressive behaviors, muzzle conditioning, basic obedience, and safe socialization.
4 week $5700.00
6 week $6500.00
Both programs include an e collar
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Serving Augusta, Georgia